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DukeofDevo 9:17 Sun May 20
Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Roman not had his visa renewed after it expired in April.

Is this part of the Skripal fallout and could the government deport somebody with the amount of assets he's got in this country?

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J.Riddle 5:58 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Apparently Deripaska among other things owns a £50m house in Belgravia that has a mortgage and the bank will have to call in the loan to avoid dissociation. If Abramovich suffers similar treatment it may well affect his businesses?

Willtell 5:56 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Abramovich is either not wanted or being fucked about. I don't like this government of Theresa May because they are fucking about rather than getting rid....

Mike Oxsaw 4:54 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
wansteadman 3:53 Mon May 21

Has he got to "wait his turn" to be booted out then?

Sit there twiddling his thumbs until his number comes up, or should the authorities simply chuck unwelcome people out as and when they find them?

wansteadman 3:53 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Looks like friends of whoever was in charge bought into the nationalised industries at rock bottom prices and reaped the rewards at the expense of the people but nothing that isn't done elsewhere, I'm sure there are thousands of people who would be above him in the booting out list

DukeofDevo 3:47 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
All of Putins Oligarchs are a bit suspect just by association Are we just rattling his cage I wonder! He’s definitely on Trumps shit list so maybe we’ll keep him out indefinitely! Hope so

Sven Roeder 3:20 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
What about people who bring billions into the country after a little terror and murder?
And then buy a football club

wansteadman 2:40 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Some of the shit we let into this country and let them stay Terrorists murderers people who hate us and then we want to boot out people who bring billions into the economy. Unbelievable

ivan 2:26 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
normannomates 1:49 Mon May 21

Turn it in !

folkestone iron 1:54 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
liquidate all of his UK assets

then remove all ill gotten gains (trophies) under the proceeds of crime acts

see all the gutless plastics disappear then

Gavros 10:49 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Haha ha that's fucking magic.

Hazard will be off I take it.

Mike Oxsaw 9:38 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
The UK gets a fair amount of it's gas from Qatar - if things get worse in that region, and supplies get disrupted, they may be forced to ask Russia to make up the shortfall...

Willtell 9:34 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
You mean the same President Trump that only got elected because of Russian support.....

Sven Roeder 9:19 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
If Trump forces the destruction of Chelsea he automatically becomes the greatest US President EVER.
And will have my lifelong support.

Willtell 8:48 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
It's Britain responding to American pressure to do this rather than Theresa May having the balls to actually do anything politically daring....

Seriously. Putin is a despot but how does going for his mates stack up legally any lawyers out there? I'd love to see Chelsea back to being shit mind you....

Sven Roeder 7:50 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
Every billionaire out of Russia in the last few years who ISNT approved by Putin has been offed or had their fortunes confiscated by the ones who are approved.
The government has been slow to act as they welcomed the dirty money supercharging the UK property market.
Abramovich makes a good high profile test case. Seize his assets and liquidate them.
And if he can prove the legitimate source of these funds he can have them back when the investigation and court cases are done in about 10 years time.

In the meantime Chelsea can go back to managers like Eddie Macreadie and a midfield of John Bumstead and Clive Walker.
The REAL Chelsea. Watched by 7,000

arsegrapes 3:21 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?

US sanctions list includes:
114 senior political figures with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, including his chief spokesman, Dimitry Peskov, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev.
96 oligarchs with a net worth of $1 billion or more, including the aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich and the media and tech magnate Alisher Usmanov.
The Treasury said the list was "based on objective criteria drawn from publicly available sources." The oligarchs' names matched exactly a list of 96 Russian billionaires compiled by Forbes magazine last year.

Apparently the sanctions don't allow anyone to deal business with them otherwise they will also be subject to sanctions.

normannomates 1:58 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?

normannomates 1:56 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
all the Countries should have told IVAN that you are hosting a Wrld Cup on your todd...

same for the other mugs in 2022..

but no....fuck all.

all wrong...fucking gutless wankers the lot of em

normannomates 1:49 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?


fucking IVANS ...

proper backward fucktards

Any Old Iron 1:39 Mon May 21
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?
I suspect that they (civil servants instructed by government) are just putting the wind up him.
I'd love to see the Russki robber baron permanently excluded from the UK, along with all the other oligarchs, but I can't see the government having the balls to do it.

The Stoat 10:29 Sun May 20
Re: Abramovich visa - would they? Could they?

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